NRCHKB FFmpeg Build
This build script, is to support the NRCHKB project in allowing fully updatable FFmpeg builds. It supports Raspberry Pi OS, Ubuntu, Alpine, OSX and multiple CPU architectures (x86, x64, ARM)
- FFmpeg 5.0+ (Built for your platform)
- 32 and 64 bit support
- libfdk-aac (Installed via the platform’s package manager, or will build from source as a fallback if not available)
- libx264 (Installed via the platform’s package manager, or will build from source as a fallback if not available)
- h264_omx (32Bit only, Raspberry Pi only, deprecated)
- h264_v4l2m2m (replaces h264_omx)
- Ability to add extra compile flags
- Automate with command line arguments.
Tested systems
- Apple M1 (Virtual) (64 Bit)
- Raspberry Pi 3B (32 Bit)
- Raspberry Pi Zero W1 (32 Bit)
- Raspberry Pi Zero W2 (64 Bit)
- Raspberry Pi 4 (64 Bit)
- Raspberry Pi 3A+ (64 Bit)
- Raspberry Pi 4 (32 Bit)
- Raspberry Pi 3B+ (32 Bit)
- Raspberry Pi 3B (32 Bit)
macOS Monterey
- Apple M1 (64 Bit)
- Intel (64 Bit)
- Apple M1 (Virtual) (64 Bit)

How to Install
Copy the below and paste it in your terminal.
Note: If your OS is Alpine, install curl and bash first.
apk add curl bash
bash <(curl -sL